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Bangi/Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
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  • Tilam BabyCot - Misi mencari tilam babycot untuk my smiling and adorable little man diteruskan pada weekend lepas. Bila dah nak dekat due ni rasa ehhh macam banyak pulak ta...
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  • -Sebab Bosan- - helllooooo... heheh.. da lma xmenjenguk Mr. Blog nie.. last update bla ntah.. so oleh kerana aku tgh bosan skang nie sbb xkeja hr nie.. bley la menconteng...
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  • Figaro :3 - ''You can't own a cat. The best you can do is be partners.'' - Sir Harry Swanson "When you are looking, a cat acts like a princess, but the minute they th...
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  • 04-04-2011 (MY Happy Birthday) - ELOO korg semua, hari yg bermakna bagi ku 04042011 adalah birthday ku, aku dah TUa lah 22 tu. Aku nk ucap kan terima kasih kepada kwn2 aku yg ucap happy Bir...
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  • Roadtrip - *18th June 2010.* *Roadtrip to Giant's Causeway*, Belfast (Northern Ireland) with rakan-rakan. We were lucky that the weather was on our side. Very sunny an...
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Suhail Hazmi Abd Rashid. Powered by Blogger.
Monday, November 28, 2011

postheadericon My Resignation Day

sebenarnya xdk la apa sngt kot..
but actually it is a day where everyone need to move on..
from better to much2 better.. erkk btoi ke ek ayat.. haha.. hentam jela..
as a human being.. we cannot run away from all these things..
no matter in what aspect u r moving to.. but when time comes u have to make a move..
either u like or not.. hehe

i have made my decision to move on from staying and continue my contract with my old office..
this is all about my future..
after discuss with my fam n keputusan muktamad i have to resign..
hasrat utk berhenti makin meninggi sbb 2 others of my friends pn da resign..
so i follow their steps.. hahaha..
feel kesian pn ada time tu sbb 2 org kuat da xdk..
and now another one org kuat office akn resign..
but seblum kesian kat org lain.. kesian kat dri sndri dlu.. heheh..
and Alhamdulillah semua b'jalan dgn lancar after told my boss that July is my last month working with her..
my boss is a woman k.. heheh..

my last date is 22nd July 2011
genap setahun i working with CeFE as a Research Engineer.. 
lps tu trus fly g S'pore with my fam.. heheh.. 
after resign trus g holiday kan..
best btoi.. huhuh..

last but not least.. nk letak pics skit..
kenangan time keja dlu.. hoho.. sambil keja sambil berjalan..

ada bnyk lg pics tp xkn nk upload semua kn..melampau la tu..
pape pn.. kat mna pn kta berada mest ada saat2 suka n duka..
"PERFECT" there are no such things of perfect in this world..
except Allah S.W.T..
i'm still in a process of learning for "Bersyukur"