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Bangi/Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
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  • Tilam BabyCot - Misi mencari tilam babycot untuk my smiling and adorable little man diteruskan pada weekend lepas. Bila dah nak dekat due ni rasa ehhh macam banyak pulak ta...
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  • - Dejavu dikinabalu - - Semalam bukak je laptop tetibe teringat nak bukak website AA. dah lama rsnye xbukak n xbelek2 search tiket murah. Ni die haaa Promo dalam kategori murah....
    11 years ago
  • -Sebab Bosan- - helllooooo... heheh.. da lma xmenjenguk Mr. Blog nie.. last update bla ntah.. so oleh kerana aku tgh bosan skang nie sbb xkeja hr nie.. bley la menconteng...
    12 years ago
  • Figaro :3 - ''You can't own a cat. The best you can do is be partners.'' - Sir Harry Swanson "When you are looking, a cat acts like a princess, but the minute they th...
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  • 04-04-2011 (MY Happy Birthday) - ELOO korg semua, hari yg bermakna bagi ku 04042011 adalah birthday ku, aku dah TUa lah 22 tu. Aku nk ucap kan terima kasih kepada kwn2 aku yg ucap happy Bir...
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  • Roadtrip - *18th June 2010.* *Roadtrip to Giant's Causeway*, Belfast (Northern Ireland) with rakan-rakan. We were lucky that the weather was on our side. Very sunny an...
    14 years ago

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Suhail Hazmi Abd Rashid. Powered by Blogger.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

postheadericon Cinta Hati pulang ke Tanah Air ( Part 1)

actually i just came back from work.. (td meeting)..
pastu tetb rsa mcm smngt nk update list yg wrote up last nite..
walaupun kena hentam time meeting td... *dlm hti bengang ngan PMC*..
nk tau apsal bengang??.. hahah..
sbb i already did what they ask to do but still kena hentam jugak..
siot btoi.. hahah.. diorg xnk ngaku kesalahan diorg.. cesss..
adakah Project Manager semua mcm tu..
mentang2 dlm ranking they are the top level a.k.a ketua.. 
but please la act like a profesional leader..
eventhough u make a mistake just accept others advice..
its not will make u look like a looser but it will make u be as a good leader otherwise.. huhu

ok2.. stop on this issues.. bkn motif nk cta psl meeting td ok.. hahaha..
terlbey sudahhh... ok..
utk menyahut cabaran diri sendiri so kena la start update kn..
so berbalik pada tajuk entry kali nie..
"Cinta <3 pulang ke Tanah air"
of coz la Nurul Izyan yg dimaksudkan..
she touched down on 2 July 2011 if i'm not mistaken..
hahaha.. maklum la i really failed when playing with date..

so pg tu i woke up on 4.30 a.m..
bkn apa.. sbb promise nk make breakfast to her... tapiiii..... *cita kat bawah*
in the same time.. prnts my housemate ada kat umah time tu..
his mother ask me a question:-

Makcik: nk g picnic ka buat bekal nie??
Aku: *dlm hti* rsa mcm xtau nk jwb apa.. tp aku jawab.. xdela makcik.. nk g amek org kat airport.. huhu
nsb la xdk next question kn..

continue with my story.. then she should arrive around 7lbey a.m kot..
sorry r mmg xdk pic sbb xplan pn nk cta dlm blog.. heheh..
so a little bit bored n sleepy when read my entry..
there are 2 items i bring along with me kat airport tu..
1. Breakfast
2. hehe rahsia.. nk tau kena bca her blog.. (

kat airport tunggu punya tunggu n dpt tau her flight delay plak..
after 10 minutes.. delayed another 10 minutes....smpi dekat sejam lbey
*dalam hti ckp bt penat ja dtg awl2 n bgn awl* hahahahah
time tu rsa excited jgn ckp la + nervous.. hahaha
rsanya stop dlu la kat cni..

wait for another part la ek.. nnt pnjng sngt xbest plak.. heheh
ok.. da la xdk pic so agak bosan disitu.. 
i'll try kodek2 my folder utk cri pics2 yg menarik utk diselitkan in my next entry..
ok.. tata...