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Monday, November 28, 2011
My Resignation Day
3:42 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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sebenarnya xdk la apa sngt kot..
but actually it is a day where everyone need to move on..
from better to much2 better.. erkk btoi ke ek ayat.. haha.. hentam jela..
as a human being.. we cannot run away from all these things..
no matter in what aspect u r moving to.. but when time comes u have to make a move..
either u like or not.. hehe
i have made my decision to move on from staying and continue my contract with my old office..
this is all about my future..
after discuss with my fam n keputusan muktamad i have to resign..
hasrat utk berhenti makin meninggi sbb 2 others of my friends pn da resign..
so i follow their steps.. hahaha..
feel kesian pn ada time tu sbb 2 org kuat da xdk..
and now another one org kuat office akn resign..
but seblum kesian kat org lain.. kesian kat dri sndri dlu.. heheh..
and Alhamdulillah semua b'jalan dgn lancar after told my boss that July is my last month working with her..
my boss is a woman k.. heheh..
my last date is 22nd July 2011
genap setahun i working with CeFE as a Research Engineer..
lps tu trus fly g S'pore with my fam.. heheh..
after resign trus g holiday kan..
best btoi.. huhuh..
last but not least.. nk letak pics skit..
kenangan time keja dlu.. hoho.. sambil keja sambil berjalan..
ada bnyk lg pics tp xkn nk upload semua kn..melampau la tu..
pape pn.. kat mna pn kta berada mest ada saat2 suka n duka..
"PERFECT" there are no such things of perfect in this world..
except Allah S.W.T..
i'm still in a process of learning for "Bersyukur"
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Selamat dtg my new GF..
5:27 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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welcome to my fam.. heheh..
behave ok.. n jgn bt prngi mcm gf lma plss..
terseksa aku...
later akn update lbey detail.. entry ni just nk wish ja..
semoga bhgia with ur new fam k..
Saturday, November 26, 2011
A Song Special Dedicate for her..
5:40 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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si dia mmg ska novel Ombak Rindu..
dia ckp layan novel tu smpi nanges2.. heheh.. poyo btoi kn..
so dis song specially dedicate for her.. :)
njoy hneyy!!
today's Akitivity
12:03 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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ok.. what im planning today is to attend my ex-officemates wedding..
both bride are my frenz which work in the same place.. same career.. same course.. n same age..huhu
congratez to both of u k.. semoga hepy b'pnjngan till the end of ur life :)
going after zohor bcoz after wedding wanna go sumwhere else jugak..
after wedding nk pegi b'jmpa wif bakal gf bru.. hehe..
then g tgk umah at semnyih tu pn if we know the location..
if not we just go get my new gf jela.. weeee..
best my weeknd full with activities.. hahah..
seriously da lma xdk aktiviti keluar umah time weeknd..
so njoy ur weeknd every1.. :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Part 2.. Cinta Hati
10:23 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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tadaaa.. part 2 ni i have sum photos of KLIA for u all...
dats the control tower.. and..
this one is the entrance for departure ok.. hahaha..
mcm la org xtau kn psl KLIA..
poyo nk kena xplain 1-by-1.. and the last one...
see...see... gate 5 & 6 for international departure.. -_-"
tp mslhnya aku dtg amek org ok.. bukan utk tinggal kan Malaysia..
hehe.. actually this is only ancillary picture so dat xdela u feel bored kan..
gmbr nie time my 1st trip with my frenz..
bkn pic yg diambil time dtg amek my honey..
coz i didn't snap any photo even a single shot for this moment.. hehe
ok. so last kat mna ek.. thinking... hmmm..
ok da tunggu dkt sejam lbey nie.. at last the time that i awaited for long time comes true..
da nmpk muka budak busyuk tu.. with her dress and brown jacket.. dlm hti so hepyy..
tp time tu tgh surong baby pram.. but no baby inside.. heehh
sorry no pics this moment..
lps tu apa bt ek... salam2 n kiss2 semua dlu..
hahaha.. salam jela no kiss allowed yet..
time tu plan direct nk g kuantan attend her bro wedding..
tp change plan.. mls nk cta nnt drag lg..
then i'm asking her.. why so late??..
dgn slumber dia bley ckp jln2 shopping kat duty free dlu..
hoh.. org tgu kat luaq pnya la lma dia bley sronok dok shopping..
kalo buy sumthng for me xpe jugak nie nothing.. hahahah
so whatever la.. direct to my car n letak barang semua..
haaa.. part yg best n make me a little bit frustrated..
nk sambung yg part "tapiiii..." (in part 1).. ngat x??
kalo xngat g bca blk or kalo mls bt2 jela u still remember dat part..
hahaha.. hney jgn mrh k..
kecewa sbb show her my homemade breakfast.. tappiiii...
dia mcm not so excited i prepare breakfast for her..
sbb dia yg nk sngt i bt breakfast..
then dia ckp she already have her breakfast inside..
erghhh.. dlm hti mmg kecewa n xrsa hepy time tu..
rsa baik aku tdoq n xyah bgn awl.. let her wait for me at airport..
this Lock n Lock can be as my witness..
i bought dis things solely to fill my untouchable breakfast.. hahaha
breakfast menu simple ja..
just bread tampal with mix omelet + sausage
and sausage rebus.. sdey jugak la see her reaction.. hoho
lps ni da xnk bt breakfast ka pape.. nk mkn bt sndri.. hahahah
so our journey continue first balik rawang amek org..
*dlm hti sibuk ja.. xbley bg chance lngsng..* spoil lg my mood.. nasib la...
pastu bru direct ke kuantan...
at last abes jugak entry nie.. muhahaha.. sory la xbnyk photo la..
sbb i'm not a photo gedixs like my girl.. hahah...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Cinta Hati pulang ke Tanah Air ( Part 1)
7:02 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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actually i just came back from work.. (td meeting)..
pastu tetb rsa mcm smngt nk update list yg wrote up last nite..
walaupun kena hentam time meeting td... *dlm hti bengang ngan PMC*..
nk tau apsal bengang??.. hahah..
sbb i already did what they ask to do but still kena hentam jugak..
siot btoi.. hahah.. diorg xnk ngaku kesalahan diorg.. cesss..
adakah Project Manager semua mcm tu..
mentang2 dlm ranking they are the top level a.k.a ketua..
but please la act like a profesional leader..
eventhough u make a mistake just accept others advice..
its not will make u look like a looser but it will make u be as a good leader otherwise.. huhu
ok2.. stop on this issues.. bkn motif nk cta psl meeting td ok.. hahaha..
terlbey sudahhh... ok..
utk menyahut cabaran diri sendiri so kena la start update kn..
so berbalik pada tajuk entry kali nie..
"Cinta <3 pulang ke Tanah air"
of coz la Nurul Izyan yg dimaksudkan..
she touched down on 2 July 2011 if i'm not mistaken..
hahaha.. maklum la i really failed when playing with date..
so pg tu i woke up on 4.30 a.m..
bkn apa.. sbb promise nk make breakfast to her... tapiiii..... *cita kat bawah*
in the same time.. prnts my housemate ada kat umah time tu..
his mother ask me a question:-
Makcik: nk g picnic ka buat bekal nie??
Aku: *dlm hti* rsa mcm xtau nk jwb apa.. tp aku jawab.. xdela makcik.. nk g amek org kat airport.. huhu
nsb la xdk next question kn..
continue with my story.. then she should arrive around 7lbey a.m kot..
sorry r mmg xdk pic sbb xplan pn nk cta dlm blog.. heheh..
so a little bit bored n sleepy when read my entry..
there are 2 items i bring along with me kat airport tu..
1. Breakfast
2. hehe rahsia.. nk tau kena bca her blog.. (
kat airport tunggu punya tunggu n dpt tau her flight delay plak..
after 10 minutes.. delayed another 10 minutes....smpi dekat sejam lbey
time tu rsa excited jgn ckp la + nervous.. hahaha
rsanya stop dlu la kat cni..
wait for another part la ek.. nnt pnjng sngt xbest plak.. heheh
ok.. da la xdk pic so agak bosan disitu..
i'll try kodek2 my folder utk cri pics2 yg menarik utk diselitkan in my next entry..
ok.. tata...
List of Future entry
12:08 AM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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heheh.. what to do?? dat is my status on FB..
and got a few response from my frenz..
tanx a lot for your concerned my frenz.. hehe
but this is not my main topic to story about..
sbb kalo tgk title pn List Entry kn..
sbb kalo tgk title pn List Entry kn..
ok.. so mlm nie nk list kn seberapa bnyk yg bley..
n base on my pass2 memories to be the title for my future update..
so bla ada msa aku akn update blog base on these lists.. hehe..
i need to start from month July till November..
tp bla pk blk mati la kn nk update.. hahaha
skang da end of November.. -_-"
ahhh.. lantak la... hahaha..
ok jom start pk on the lists... hehe
1. Cinta Hati smpi Malaysia
2. My Resignation Day
3. Family Trip
6. -_- ?
........ serius aku xngat.. hahahah......
ok move on to August:
1. of coz entry about Ramadhan
2. waktu Bersama Family (3 Weeks)
3. Waktu bersama si dia ( 2 weeks)
4. ergghhhhh... can't remember anything... (not a entry ok)
Jump to September..
excited sbb kejap ja da september..
1. Raya Aidilfitri
2. Start new job at new workplace
ZzZzzZ.. have no idea on this month
move..movee... October
i think in this month there are no interesting story kot..
so kt fly jela trus to the following month...
hahaha.. main kecoh.. padahal malas pk dah...
hahaha.. main kecoh.. padahal malas pk dah...
here come November...
pejam celik..pejam celik kejap ja da bulan November..
so apa yg ptt ada dlm November pnya list??
1. About our wedding??
2. About works??
3. fill in the blank nk pk..hahaha
nmpk gayanya mmg xbnyk yg dpt aku listkan.. muahahha...
nie la jadinya kalo nk jd writer ikut mood..
mmg xdk story menarik nk dikarangkan..
but nevermind, i'll try my best to complete this task..
ok la sok keja r.. da kol 12.06 a.m..
c u soon sh@r..
*find back your happiness... :)*
*i will*
Sunday, November 20, 2011
12:06 AM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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muahaha.. tetb ja kn bnyi mcm keretapi tanah melayu...
da lma aku tinggal blog nie.. kesian..
mesti kesunyian mcm tuan empunya blog.. hahaha
xdk pape pn aku nk update kat cni sja tetb jari "click" my links..
so tulis la skit kn... hehe.
hmmm.. so ok la.. tunggu my mood dtg blk utk nk update apa yg tertinggal since my last entry is on July..
now is already November.. pffttt... i'll update all the story with in those 4 months if i still remember la.. haha
ok followers.. c ya (bajet bnyk followers) muauahhaa..
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