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Bangi/Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
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  • Tilam BabyCot - Misi mencari tilam babycot untuk my smiling and adorable little man diteruskan pada weekend lepas. Bila dah nak dekat due ni rasa ehhh macam banyak pulak ta...
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  • - Dejavu dikinabalu - - Semalam bukak je laptop tetibe teringat nak bukak website AA. dah lama rsnye xbukak n xbelek2 search tiket murah. Ni die haaa Promo dalam kategori murah....
    11 years ago
  • -Sebab Bosan- - helllooooo... heheh.. da lma xmenjenguk Mr. Blog nie.. last update bla ntah.. so oleh kerana aku tgh bosan skang nie sbb xkeja hr nie.. bley la menconteng...
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  • Figaro :3 - ''You can't own a cat. The best you can do is be partners.'' - Sir Harry Swanson "When you are looking, a cat acts like a princess, but the minute they th...
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  • 04-04-2011 (MY Happy Birthday) - ELOO korg semua, hari yg bermakna bagi ku 04042011 adalah birthday ku, aku dah TUa lah 22 tu. Aku nk ucap kan terima kasih kepada kwn2 aku yg ucap happy Bir...
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  • Roadtrip - *18th June 2010.* *Roadtrip to Giant's Causeway*, Belfast (Northern Ireland) with rakan-rakan. We were lucky that the weather was on our side. Very sunny an...
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Suhail Hazmi Abd Rashid. Powered by Blogger.
Saturday, December 31, 2011

postheadericon A Day Trip

ok.. tgh bosan2 ni xtau pape..
tmbh plak mcm xbest 2011 tinggal brapa jam lg..
b4 it will gone forever..
seriously xexcited lngsng.. 
so mls nk pk psl 2012 thingy mingy nie baik story about my trip..

after back from Cameron on Thursday,
Friday g overc plak.. hahah
overc la sngt kan.. Thailand je pn..
g jln2 kat Hatyai.. 
hmmm.. nk kata best biasa jela sbb balik hri kn..
so sja nk abes kn msa holiday so jln2 jela kat mna bley.

1st location we visit tmpt shopping..
lpa la plak nma tmpt tu.. tp i'm not buying anythng..
just teman mama shopping je..
sbb brg pompuan bnyk r...
laki xsngt or xb'kenan dimata ku.. hahha

pastu g makan kat Sami Kitchen..
perhh sngt sdp mknn kat c2..
selesa n mmg terbaik la.. xtau nk ckp apa..
njoy da food very much..
dpt rsa purely Thailand made.. heheh
sorry la yer xdk pic sbb xdk camera..
org miskin kata kan.. xmmpu nk bli camera mcm blogger lain..
i'm just a low budget blogger.. heheh..

lps tu g Ice Dome... tmpt ukiran ice..
serius sejuk nk mmps.. of coz la sejuk kn..
da nma pn tmpt ukiran ice... 
da la pki sandle ja.. kaki sakit kot..beku..
hahaha.. bijak btoi.. kasut semua tinggal kat kl..
dlm keta kasut futsal n jogging ada la.. hehe

Ice Dome, Hatyai

ok da smpi cni..
Price: Adult - RM30
Kids- RM 15
heheh... xtau la mhl ke x tp yg bestnya nk msk cni bley bwk camera sndri..
so bley la amek pic sebnyk yg bley..
xmcm msk snow world Genting.. mmg xbley bwk camera sndri..
nk amek pic kena suh org ctu amek pastu kena bayaq..
truk gak kn keja nk paw duit org.. 
da la masuk mahal.. so Ice Dome nie lbey berbaloi kot..

cop ur hand 1st b4 enter... hehe

da mcm penguin kot pki mcm bju eskimo.. hahah

ni jela pic yg ada tu pn cilok pic cousin upload kat fb.. hahah
truk btoi kn.. nk blog tp pic mls nk amek..
haih sabo jela.. xpela.. skali skala dpt ehsan org lain..
dpt gak pahala diorg bantu aku.. hahaha

next destination Big C..
ala aku pn xtau apsal diorg nk sngt p tmpt ni..
padahal for me its like Tesco, Carrefour, Giant or sumthng similar..
bley plak diorg shopping kat dlm tu..
tp kalo kat Tesco ke apa cnfrm xnk shopping brand yg dlm tu kn.. hahah
seriously its weird.. tp apa kan daya.. follow jela rombongan nie..
smpi mlm kat cni..

utk dinner ktorg g kat Floating Market..
lg skali xdk pic r.. tgh tunggu ehsan cousin jugak upload kat FB..
tp xupload2 lg.. so xdpt la nk tnjuk or gambarkan mcm na market nie..
tp nsb ada sngt membantu..
hahaha.. mcm nie la keadaan tmpt tu..
kat cni peniaga akan menjual makanan kat dlm boat..
that means diorg jual smbl dok ats boat..
so kt just tunjuk je nk mkn apa..
dont worry its HALAL
kena pandai pilih la.. ada yg sedap n ada yg so so je... but its cheap.. 
so not bad la.. heheh..

we all tgh menyerang tepi sungai... hahaha

membeli time but be carefully ada jugak noodle with pork..
so check for "Halal" sign

* all pics ehsan from my cousie... hehe*
cilok kat FB.. wkakakak

ok cukup la pic skit.. sbb xde mood jugak nie..
mood xnk tahun 2012 muncul.. hahah
malasnya 2012 nie.. rsa mcm xbest pn ada jugak..
mmg mls nk pk tahun 2012... serabutttt!!!!
hahahah... xtau la np tetb weng time2 last day 2011

ok... b'akhrlah trip g Hatyai pada hri Jumaat lepas..
lps p market tu trus la balik ke Malaysia..
smpi umah dlm kol 1.00 am
best jugak la trip tu..
mcm trip main2 nk abes kn msa n abes kan duit..
so semoga dpt g trip2 yg lg menarik nnt.. InsyaAllah..


postheadericon A Long Holiday

It feels great when I still manage to get long break from works..
to be with my beloved family 4 the whole weeks till 2012..
mmg sngt2 b'syukur dpt kerja yg when it comes to end of year (December),
semua dpt mnta cuti pnjang..
some of my office mates call this month is Honeymoon month for us..
bcoz everyone need to finish their yearly entitlement leave...
hahahah.. i'm so lucky n happy working at a such  great n nice environment working place..
ok2.. bkn nk cta psl keja ke apa
nk story skit psl cuti pnjng bersama family..


ok... holidays start dengan xbrapa lucky.. hahah..
mlm 23/12/2011 (Friday).. time otw balik da rsa mcm xsedap bdn..
next day start batuk2, sesema n lenguh badan..
end up demam till Tuesday...
wawawa.. serius mmg xbest sbb xdpt bt pape melainkan baring ats katil..
tdoq, bgn mkn ubat n tdoq blk..

27/12/2011 (Tuesday) : 
Hari demam merangkap family holiday... serious rsa lemah xbermaya..
jd co-pilot jela n tdoq.. hahaha... xbest btoi g holiday time dmm..
xrsa fun sbb bdn still weak.. this time we all g Cameron Highland for 3D/2N
b4 tu ngat nk g Langkawi or Penang but baba ckp tmpt tu pns..
nk g tmpt sejuk skit.. haaahh.. so end up smpi la 3 fam di tmpt sejuk tu..
we all booking 3 rooms aprtment kat Star Regency Hotel

*ehsan pic by Mr.Google*

Location: Brinchang
Condition: 3 stars je aku bg.. sbb mcm xwell manage... toilet pn xbest sngt
pastu xcukup lengkap for aprtment pnya type... pinggan mangkuk not provided,
no wifi in room, only available kat lobby, 
parquet floor so sejukkk, 
hall yg sngt luas best utk b'kumpul fam n borak2.. 
each room ada bathroom sndri
near with night market.. (walking distance < 5min)

so 1st day tu smpi around 4.00 pm. check in n rest dlu kat bilik..
ptg trus g serang night market for dinner.. hohoh..
but i just stay at the aprtment coz still not fully recover yet...
for ur info, if school holiday night market akn ada stiap hari.. hehe
so we are lucky kalo lapar ja g turun je n grab sumthng from there.. hahah

 *again ehsan from Mr.Google*

2nd Day:
mcm biasa kalo g cameron apa je lg bley bt kn..
round2 g farm jela.. strawbery farm, cactus farm, flower farm..
g MARDI kat Tanah Rata.. RM3 per entry for Adult.
FREE for 6 years old and below
so dpt la tgk mcm2 kat dlm tu.. n dpt la nk bli pokok jugak.. hehe
pastu g lepak ngan mama smbil lyn fries n waffle..
awl2 tu only both of us ja g lepak bcoz yg lain tgh rest kat bilik n tdoqkn ank masing2..
so mama pn ajk lepak2 kat luaq...
sempat lepak 30mnt my bro call tnya where are we.. 
so semua pakat dtg lepak memeriahkan lg suasana.. hahaha
soryy pics xdk sbb ada kat org lain.. mls nk mnta..

then mcm biasa, mkn petang bli kat night market n dinner we all mkn ikn bakar...
pastu that final nite pakat lepak kat hall lyn 3 idiots.. 
best dpt lepak2 n borak2 ngan fam sbb jarang dpt b'kumpul semua mcm tu..
slalu mest xcukup org kalo b'kumpul.. heheh

3rd Day:
last day utk holiday bersama family..
lps check out g bli sayur, jagung dll kat Kea Farm..
tmpt yg sngt famous kat sini utk bli brg2 sblm bertolak pulang..
mcm biasa borong mmg xngat pnya la.. 
smpi ketat bonet keta.. hahaha..
bkn slalu kn dtg so t'pksa la bli abes-abesan supaya berbaloi naik tinggi2..
lps shopping ktorg g Teh Boh Sg.Palas..
slh satu scene dlm Ombak Rindu sini la..
ofis En. Haris.. hohoh..
the location sngt2 cantik.. 
really like the design n the decoration of the place..

so nie la last tmpt yg we all visit for this trip..
heheh.. lps tu turun n blk ke tmpt asal..
kat cni la my ank buah yg teriak xnk blk umah..
maybe sbb sronok kot dok cni smpi xnk balik kedah trus... hahaha
xpe2.. next time bley dtg lg...

pape pn sngt2 njoy n hepy fam trip nie... 
wlpn 1st day xdpt rsa sngt sbb dmm tp Alhamdulillah..
everythng b'jalan dgn baik dan lancar..
n the important things is everyone are happy together.. :)


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

postheadericon Bezday Mama

Hepy Bezday mama!!!
sorry ank mama yg sorg nie jauh skit dri family.. 
so dpt wish ja.. heheh
bezday yg ke - ?? let it be a secret.. hehehe
D.O.B: 21/12/1954
*kira sendiri*

utk tahun nie..
saya doakan agar mama..
sentiasa sihat selalu
panjang umoq
murah rezeki
hepy bersama ur family tercinta
hidup sentiasa diberkati Allah S.W.T.
n alwayz ceria..
she is the best mother and women in the world
mama yg paling spoting.. huhuhu

the coolest mother.. hehe

1st time on board.. after kena paksa.. hehehe

padahal every day doa mcm tu gak kn..
so xkisah la yg pntg we pray for the best for our mama n family..
thats the important things rite... 

apa lg ek nk wish..
xpela.. jumpa this friday..
im going back home for a long holiday.. 

Last but not least...

The person i LOVE till my last breath..

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

postheadericon Entry '4' Her

Entry 4 who?
do i need this entry?
hmmm... let me think...
is it an offence if i do so?
hahaha.. enough wif all the questions things..
just proceed with what i want with my page.
hmmm...where to start actually..
start with who's that person?
of coz...
Nurul Izyan Ahmad Helmi 

 she's the person who stole my heart... hehe..
more pics?? let me show u....hahaha 

(*jgn marah k i put these pics*) hahaha....

hye hneyyy.. confirm kembang ada special entry i made 4 u..
jangan kembang lbey2 k... 
make sure maintain your weight.. :P

ok just nk mention that feel really lucky to have a partner like her..
also InsyaAllah will be my future wife soon..
for me she's very special coz she has changed me a lot..
a lot that i cant describe in this entry..
tanx hney for helping and change me become a better person..

eventhough she cant with me 24/7..
reply msg pn lmbt kan ataupn xreply trus...
n more that i can't describe too.. hahaha 
so balance la kn
but she alwayz the person i love..

b4 go further bout her..
just to highlight that this talk about our 2nd important n love person in our life k..
the 1st level of coz la our family..
i believe every person is same...
takut nnt org ckp i lbey2 kn sumbodyelse more than my own fam.. 
but she also will be one of my family gak.. soooonnn!!..
so its not a fault to share...
dont misjudge on this entry.. heheh

ok continuee..
its quite difficult to share and compact all things in one entry..
so i just pick up the most precious moment since with her..

She's a good planner:-   
i admit it that she really expert in that area.. sumtimes i call her "minah google"..hahahh.. every single things she will do some revision and of coz i'm surrender arguing with her...
Logic (me) Vs Theoritical/Research (her).. hahah...  
its proven when travel together with her and having discussion on other matters

 ni time travel together..

 plan for future.. hehe
*really miss the time we travel together honey*

seriously sngt2 best with her... da bnyk bnda she gave to me.. till my bro cakap aku suka paw dia.. hahaha.. my working attires, shoes, game accessories, etc.. most of it she sponsored me..

tanx honeyy..

one of gifts that she sponsored.. set of Band and DJ Hero..
actually there are more but no pics.. hehe

Spoting, Cool n Hepy Go Lucky Person:-
this is subjective.. dunno how to describe.. heheh.. she never shackle my life.. i can do whatever i like as long as i know my border n i already have her in my life.. seriously mmg ssh nk bg my love nie jealous.. 
the heartless person ever i met.. hahaha.. 

of coz the person we love caring n loving kn
so about that no need to describe more.. 
every person have their own character to show their love and threat their partners..
so my hney Nurul Izyan have her own style..
a special that cannot be compare with others..
for me she is truly my love and the only one that i want to spend and share the whole my life with..
a cute girl that i think perfect to be my wife, my friend, a good daughter in-law for my mama, baba n family.
and infinity.. 

of coz i cant describe about her completely in this entry..
what can i say...
she is everythng for me
the perfect person that can fill and complete my another half empty place

Tanx Nurul Izyan for accepting my LOVE and 
allow me to share and spend my life with you

Sooooooo Muchh!!!!!

The last pictures to end my entry.. 
With LOVE...

Monday, December 12, 2011

postheadericon An Attractive Status

take 5 jap.. huhu
tgh nk abes kan keja skit lg..
pastu teringat status one of my friends yg menarik perhatian ku..
nie tgk kat status fb dia la..

"Fast replies make me feel like you actually want to talk to me. 
But slow replies make me think you're talking to someone better."

hahaha. .xdk keja kan
sbnrnya tgh lenguh tangan dok click2 bt keja nie..
adoi.. PMS pn still setengah jalan baru bt..
i need to submit the PMS end of this week... waaa
c'mon Suhail... quick..quick..quick...
bnyk keja still pending lately..
so i need to catch up fast b4 start holiday end of this month..
next destination... still thinking..
ok dah.. back to work.. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

postheadericon Nice to meet U

heheh.. nice kan.. very nicee to meet sumone like her...
i starting admire her slowly..
but i already taken by sumone else.. 
so xbley nk t'lbey over sngt tkt nnt jd lain plak kn...
huhu.. kesian2 kat tuan punya bdn.. 
so mest nk tau kn who i'm mentioning?
nk kata GF bru xjugak.. peneman idup?? hmm.. not really..
it is just a temporary.. can be as my scandal jugak la kot..
hahahah.. sbb kdg2 bley ilangkan boring..

ok la malas nk pnjngkn cerita.. 
just c the pic below.. my new scandal.. hahaha.. 
cantikkk ok.. n solo lg..
but too bad.. i'm not single.. huhu

still virgin.. xdk spa sentuh lg.. tertutup rapi

nice to meet u miss PS3 White.. *_*

mari kita londehkan diaaa.. hahahah

wahhh.. putihnya kulitt...muhahah.. spa yg xjth hti kn..
putih n gebu.. hahahah

eheh.. da pki bju plak.. xsexy sudeyy...

huhu.. ada kawan baru.. 
player sorg ja but i have 3 controllers.. 
so xpela bermadu kn.. hahaha

so tu jela yg nk diceritakan.. 
we met together officially on 26 September 2011
dont forget our anniversary.. hahaha
yg penting jgn curang mcm GF lama sudeyy..
mmg jenis kikis duit btoi..
da abes duit aku trus ditinggalkan.. xptt okeyy..

ok la.. takat ni dulu my entry..
ada bnyk lg sbnrnya nk update.. 
next time la k..

Saturday, December 3, 2011

postheadericon Baba's New Project

td kuar dinner n lepak2 with my frenz..
da lma xlepak bersam n we all really have fun together..
tp time nk kuaq umah receive call from my mama..
heheh...pasai apa ek mama call td..
jap tgh pk.. -_-?
haaaaa.... mama nk tnya psl banjir kat kajang..
hahahah.. sbb i live near kajang but my house not in the middle of town kajang.
yg banjit tu at town.. so my house selamat jela..
mama ckp seronok dok tgk banjir dlm berita.. haha..
kelakar btoi..

so sembang jela mcm biasa.. bla..blaa..
slalu akn meleret bla ckp ngan mama.. huhu
then smbng ngan mama smpi msk highway..
 tnya la baba tgh dok bt apa..
as usual watchng tv, news and kebetulan ada persidangan UMNO..
hahah.. mama suh tgk but i'm not at home.. hehe

pastu mama ckp la "xnk smbng ngan baba ka? tnya psl projek baru dia..
hahaha.. dlm hti tnya projek apa plak da nie..
so mama pn passing fone kat baba.. smbng2..bla..blaa..
tgh khusyuk smbng....
ahhhhh.. slh lorong tol.. g masuk lrg Smart TAG.. damnnn...
sbb da biasa kalo g keja msk that lane..
unfortunately tonite i drove my own car.. so no SmartTag device..
gelabah kot tp nsb la xdk keta kat blkang.. fuhhh.. release jugak la..
in the same time Alhamdulillah.. 
baba ada projek baru utk membesarkan bznz family..
hopefully its runs smoothly..

ptt la baba tnya thn dpn xdpt jg projek kedah ka..
sbb if i'm working at kedah, i can help my fam run this bznz too..
best jugak bley help biznez fam..
tp bnyk lg nk smbng tp mcm xbest on fone..
sbb in my mind bnyk bnda nk tnya lg n bg idea.. 
tunggu blk holiday x'mas nnt la.. so bley borak pnjng lebar lg..
i will having loooonnngggg holiday bcoz i'll start from x'mas till new year eve.. weeee!!
n jgn la ada bnyk keja time tu.. hahaha

harap2 dgn projek baba yg baru nie dpt build up family biznez dgn lbey baik..
dan makin maju.. InsyaAllah..
maybe this new project can be run Jan 2012..
hepy to hear that and i really hope my 2nd bro can help to make more profit..
i allwayz pray for my family..
for me they are everything
pape pn i will alwayz support them..

 "Ya Allah.. Engkau majukan la biznez family ku ini.."
Amin.. :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

postheadericon .....

hahah.. style kn title my entry this time.. 
its just "......"
it can bring a lot of meanings from just several dotss..
heheh.. but actually xtau nk share apa tpi nk conteng jugak kat my blog nie..
nk update psl list xdk idea what should i share on that topics..
lastly what is come out from my mind is nk merapu2 kat blog..

skang nie a little bit bz kat ofis..
bnyk bnda nk kena review n submit..
but i'm happy n njoy with my life now.. 
bcoz xdela rasa bosan sngt kn kalo asyk dok lepak je kat ofis n doing nothing..
at least i can learn sumthng new to strengthen my engineering fundamental..
experience sngt la penting in my field.. kalo x xdpt la nk demund high salary..
InsyaAllah kalo dimurahkan rezeki..

saving utk kawin??
Alhamdulillah.. so far no restriction yet that can thwart me from saving.. 
n hopefully it will continue till the end of year 2012.. Aminnn
hmmm.. apa lg yg nk merapu ek??

ha one more thing... sdey sbb this is my last month using company's car..
uwaaahhhh.. project nearly end.. so after this no more free petrol, toll and fone bill..
have to wait till they assign me a new project to handle..
and hopefully i still can supervise central's project.. 
kalo xcentral pn give me kedah ok.. hahah..
+ this will effect my saving too.. so i need to prepare n well mange all my expenses..
InsyaAllah.. all is well after this..

da la ngarut skit2...
nnt meleret makin bnyk merapu... eheheh..
smbng next entry nnt la..


Monday, November 28, 2011

postheadericon My Resignation Day

sebenarnya xdk la apa sngt kot..
but actually it is a day where everyone need to move on..
from better to much2 better.. erkk btoi ke ek ayat.. haha.. hentam jela..
as a human being.. we cannot run away from all these things..
no matter in what aspect u r moving to.. but when time comes u have to make a move..
either u like or not.. hehe

i have made my decision to move on from staying and continue my contract with my old office..
this is all about my future..
after discuss with my fam n keputusan muktamad i have to resign..
hasrat utk berhenti makin meninggi sbb 2 others of my friends pn da resign..
so i follow their steps.. hahaha..
feel kesian pn ada time tu sbb 2 org kuat da xdk..
and now another one org kuat office akn resign..
but seblum kesian kat org lain.. kesian kat dri sndri dlu.. heheh..
and Alhamdulillah semua b'jalan dgn lancar after told my boss that July is my last month working with her..
my boss is a woman k.. heheh..

my last date is 22nd July 2011
genap setahun i working with CeFE as a Research Engineer.. 
lps tu trus fly g S'pore with my fam.. heheh.. 
after resign trus g holiday kan..
best btoi.. huhuh..

last but not least.. nk letak pics skit..
kenangan time keja dlu.. hoho.. sambil keja sambil berjalan..

ada bnyk lg pics tp xkn nk upload semua kn..melampau la tu..
pape pn.. kat mna pn kta berada mest ada saat2 suka n duka..
"PERFECT" there are no such things of perfect in this world..
except Allah S.W.T..
i'm still in a process of learning for "Bersyukur"