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Bangi/Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
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  • Tilam BabyCot - Misi mencari tilam babycot untuk my smiling and adorable little man diteruskan pada weekend lepas. Bila dah nak dekat due ni rasa ehhh macam banyak pulak ta...
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  • - Dejavu dikinabalu - - Semalam bukak je laptop tetibe teringat nak bukak website AA. dah lama rsnye xbukak n xbelek2 search tiket murah. Ni die haaa Promo dalam kategori murah....
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  • -Sebab Bosan- - helllooooo... heheh.. da lma xmenjenguk Mr. Blog nie.. last update bla ntah.. so oleh kerana aku tgh bosan skang nie sbb xkeja hr nie.. bley la menconteng...
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  • Figaro :3 - ''You can't own a cat. The best you can do is be partners.'' - Sir Harry Swanson "When you are looking, a cat acts like a princess, but the minute they th...
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  • 04-04-2011 (MY Happy Birthday) - ELOO korg semua, hari yg bermakna bagi ku 04042011 adalah birthday ku, aku dah TUa lah 22 tu. Aku nk ucap kan terima kasih kepada kwn2 aku yg ucap happy Bir...
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  • Roadtrip - *18th June 2010.* *Roadtrip to Giant's Causeway*, Belfast (Northern Ireland) with rakan-rakan. We were lucky that the weather was on our side. Very sunny an...
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Suhail Hazmi Abd Rashid. Powered by Blogger.
Saturday, December 31, 2011

postheadericon A Long Holiday

It feels great when I still manage to get long break from works..
to be with my beloved family 4 the whole weeks till 2012..
mmg sngt2 b'syukur dpt kerja yg when it comes to end of year (December),
semua dpt mnta cuti pnjang..
some of my office mates call this month is Honeymoon month for us..
bcoz everyone need to finish their yearly entitlement leave...
hahahah.. i'm so lucky n happy working at a such  great n nice environment working place..
ok2.. bkn nk cta psl keja ke apa
nk story skit psl cuti pnjng bersama family..


ok... holidays start dengan xbrapa lucky.. hahah..
mlm 23/12/2011 (Friday).. time otw balik da rsa mcm xsedap bdn..
next day start batuk2, sesema n lenguh badan..
end up demam till Tuesday...
wawawa.. serius mmg xbest sbb xdpt bt pape melainkan baring ats katil..
tdoq, bgn mkn ubat n tdoq blk..

27/12/2011 (Tuesday) : 
Hari demam merangkap family holiday... serious rsa lemah xbermaya..
jd co-pilot jela n tdoq.. hahaha... xbest btoi g holiday time dmm..
xrsa fun sbb bdn still weak.. this time we all g Cameron Highland for 3D/2N
b4 tu ngat nk g Langkawi or Penang but baba ckp tmpt tu pns..
nk g tmpt sejuk skit.. haaahh.. so end up smpi la 3 fam di tmpt sejuk tu..
we all booking 3 rooms aprtment kat Star Regency Hotel

*ehsan pic by Mr.Google*

Location: Brinchang
Condition: 3 stars je aku bg.. sbb mcm xwell manage... toilet pn xbest sngt
pastu xcukup lengkap for aprtment pnya type... pinggan mangkuk not provided,
no wifi in room, only available kat lobby, 
parquet floor so sejukkk, 
hall yg sngt luas best utk b'kumpul fam n borak2.. 
each room ada bathroom sndri
near with night market.. (walking distance < 5min)

so 1st day tu smpi around 4.00 pm. check in n rest dlu kat bilik..
ptg trus g serang night market for dinner.. hohoh..
but i just stay at the aprtment coz still not fully recover yet...
for ur info, if school holiday night market akn ada stiap hari.. hehe
so we are lucky kalo lapar ja g turun je n grab sumthng from there.. hahah

 *again ehsan from Mr.Google*

2nd Day:
mcm biasa kalo g cameron apa je lg bley bt kn..
round2 g farm jela.. strawbery farm, cactus farm, flower farm..
g MARDI kat Tanah Rata.. RM3 per entry for Adult.
FREE for 6 years old and below
so dpt la tgk mcm2 kat dlm tu.. n dpt la nk bli pokok jugak.. hehe
pastu g lepak ngan mama smbil lyn fries n waffle..
awl2 tu only both of us ja g lepak bcoz yg lain tgh rest kat bilik n tdoqkn ank masing2..
so mama pn ajk lepak2 kat luaq...
sempat lepak 30mnt my bro call tnya where are we.. 
so semua pakat dtg lepak memeriahkan lg suasana.. hahaha
soryy pics xdk sbb ada kat org lain.. mls nk mnta..

then mcm biasa, mkn petang bli kat night market n dinner we all mkn ikn bakar...
pastu that final nite pakat lepak kat hall lyn 3 idiots.. 
best dpt lepak2 n borak2 ngan fam sbb jarang dpt b'kumpul semua mcm tu..
slalu mest xcukup org kalo b'kumpul.. heheh

3rd Day:
last day utk holiday bersama family..
lps check out g bli sayur, jagung dll kat Kea Farm..
tmpt yg sngt famous kat sini utk bli brg2 sblm bertolak pulang..
mcm biasa borong mmg xngat pnya la.. 
smpi ketat bonet keta.. hahaha..
bkn slalu kn dtg so t'pksa la bli abes-abesan supaya berbaloi naik tinggi2..
lps shopping ktorg g Teh Boh Sg.Palas..
slh satu scene dlm Ombak Rindu sini la..
ofis En. Haris.. hohoh..
the location sngt2 cantik.. 
really like the design n the decoration of the place..

so nie la last tmpt yg we all visit for this trip..
heheh.. lps tu turun n blk ke tmpt asal..
kat cni la my ank buah yg teriak xnk blk umah..
maybe sbb sronok kot dok cni smpi xnk balik kedah trus... hahaha
xpe2.. next time bley dtg lg...

pape pn sngt2 njoy n hepy fam trip nie... 
wlpn 1st day xdpt rsa sngt sbb dmm tp Alhamdulillah..
everythng b'jalan dgn baik dan lancar..
n the important things is everyone are happy together.. :)



Izyan Helmi said...

hahaha..tu mesti marisa yg teriak xnk blk :p u jd g hatyai x syg..