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Bangi/Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
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  • Tilam BabyCot - Misi mencari tilam babycot untuk my smiling and adorable little man diteruskan pada weekend lepas. Bila dah nak dekat due ni rasa ehhh macam banyak pulak ta...
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  • -Sebab Bosan- - helllooooo... heheh.. da lma xmenjenguk Mr. Blog nie.. last update bla ntah.. so oleh kerana aku tgh bosan skang nie sbb xkeja hr nie.. bley la menconteng...
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Suhail Hazmi Abd Rashid. Powered by Blogger.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

postheadericon My Sp3CiaL M@rCH

apsal plak bulan march tetb jd bulan yg special utk aku plak nie??
huhu.. sbb bulan March la aku mengenali Nurul Izyan..
tp xtau specific date ktorg kenal.. hehe..
so anggap jela da genap setahun aku kenal si dia..

secara officially March is our anniversary..
my 1st anniversary with her...
Happy 1st Anniversary bb..
hope we will stick together till the end our life..
wakaak.. tetb plak t'jiwang skit..
tp malangnya kena celebrate jauh2.. haha
da la jauh masa plak xsma kn.. (time difference = 8hours)
so xdpt la nk on time b'gayut ke apa.. hahaah

ktorg kenal pn melalui my friends.. Lynn
she is the match maker 4 us..
aku awl2 mls nk knl2 nie.. but oleh sbb dia sngt smngt utk kenalkan ktorg..
so i dont have any others choice by layan jela kawan aku sorg nie..
so both of us start with ym.. n then i look at her FB..
hahahaah... i start laughng alone.. u know why?
rupa2nya minah nie la aku dok kutuk dlm hti about her pic profile..
poyo with her falling snow.. huhu.. sory bb

ha padan muka last2 sangkut..
then everyday nite and day our routine is chatting..chatting.. n chatting..
then she start calling me...
i still remember that time i'm bz with my FYP..
but what can i do, i really like to chat with her..
bcoz i feel comfortable with her disturbing me all the time...

this thing drag us till she coming back to Malaysia for 3 weeks holidays..
till then we start dating and hang out together all the time..
aku da start ada hati ngan dia time dok ym lg..
but i just hold on my feeling to her 1st..
pas2 asyk dok dating je..
1st date kuaq blk kol 12 mlm lbey smpi umah dia
hahah.. mmg hbt la kn

our 1st date location is at Bangi Pasar Malam.. sbb dia da ngidam nk p pasar mlm..
maklumla.. kat Dublin xdk.. heheh..
yg bli 1 bnda je chakoi xslp.. hahah
pnt je bwk... but i know she still shy2 cat with me..
yela that is our 1st date.. so of coz she control every her movement..
bajet like wanita melayu yg t'akhr la kn.. wakakak

adoii.. pnjng seh kalo nk cta.. nnt la aku smbng blk..
but along the 3weeks date.. the most nite that i will remember the rest of my life is...
hahah.. the tragedy in car.. wakakak..
but its our secret.. so sweet ok.. hahahah..
i already promise to her not to story to others..

tp ktorg awl2 seriously xpnh pn t'pk akn jd serious like today we are..
both poyo n ego ngan msg2.. especially her..
last2 msg2 menaruh hti with each others..
2 la org katakan jodoh.. InsyaAllah..
hahaha... time dok ym asyk kutuk je xabes2.. pas2 dok puji dri sndri..
sorg dok kutuk girl.. sorg dok kutuk guys.. hmm.. nsb la kn..

pejam celik tetb da setahun ktorg kenal..
bnyk jugak la bnda yg i know bout her...
seriously pnt gak with her kerenah n perangai..
tmbh2 bla time mood dia swing.. hmm.. mmg xbley nk bt pape..
time 2 jgn la dok tegur dia ke apa.. cnfrm akn skt kn hti sndri..
huhu.. tp our journey is still far away..
so i need to always be patient and try to be da best to her..
let this is the beginning of our story to start our new life together..
of coz if i want to know her closer.. i need to spend the whole my life with her..
so i'm waiting for that great moment..

heheh.. 2 jela for this.. nnt kalo rjn aku cta psl detik2 ktorg b'sama..
Happy 1st Anniversary Nurul Izyan and Suhail Hazmi
May Allah Bless Our Relationship..