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Bangi/Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
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Suhail Hazmi Abd Rashid. Powered by Blogger.
Friday, November 25, 2011

postheadericon Part 2.. Cinta Hati

 tadaaa.. part 2 ni i have sum photos of KLIA for u all...
dats the control tower.. and..

this one is the entrance for departure ok.. hahaha..
mcm la org xtau kn psl KLIA..
poyo nk kena xplain 1-by-1.. and the last one...

see...see... gate 5 & 6 for international departure.. -_-"
tp mslhnya aku dtg amek org ok.. bukan utk tinggal kan Malaysia..
hehe.. actually this is only ancillary picture so dat xdela u feel bored kan..
gmbr nie time my 1st trip with my frenz.. 
bkn pic yg diambil time dtg amek my honey..
coz i didn't snap any photo even a single shot for this moment.. hehe

ok. so last kat mna ek.. thinking... hmmm..
ok da tunggu dkt sejam lbey nie.. at last the time that i awaited for long time comes true..
da nmpk muka budak busyuk tu.. with her dress and brown jacket.. dlm hti so hepyy..
tp time tu tgh surong baby pram.. but no baby inside.. heehh
sorry no pics this moment.. 

lps tu apa bt ek... salam2 n kiss2 semua dlu..
hahaha.. salam jela no kiss allowed yet..
time tu plan direct nk g kuantan attend her bro wedding..
tp change plan.. mls nk cta nnt drag lg..

then i'm asking her.. why so late??..
dgn slumber dia bley ckp jln2 shopping kat duty free dlu.. 
hoh.. org tgu kat luaq pnya la lma dia bley sronok dok shopping..
kalo buy sumthng for me xpe jugak nie nothing.. hahahah
so whatever la.. direct to my car n letak barang semua..

haaa.. part yg best n make me a little bit frustrated.. 
nk sambung yg part "tapiiii..." (in part 1).. ngat x??
kalo xngat g bca blk or kalo mls bt2 jela u still remember dat part.. 
hahaha.. hney jgn mrh k..
kecewa sbb show her my homemade breakfast.. tappiiii...
dia mcm not so excited i prepare breakfast for her..
sbb dia yg nk sngt i bt breakfast..
then dia ckp she already have her breakfast inside..
erghhh.. dlm hti mmg kecewa n xrsa hepy time tu..
rsa baik aku tdoq n xyah bgn awl.. let her wait for me at airport..

this Lock n Lock can be as my witness..
 i bought dis things solely to fill my untouchable breakfast.. hahaha

breakfast menu simple ja.. 
just bread tampal with mix omelet + sausage
and sausage rebus.. sdey jugak la see her reaction.. hoho
lps ni da xnk bt breakfast ka pape.. nk mkn bt sndri.. hahahah

so our journey continue first balik rawang amek org.. 
*dlm hti sibuk ja.. xbley bg chance lngsng..* spoil lg my mood.. nasib la...
pastu bru direct ke kuantan... 
at last abes jugak entry nie.. muhahaha.. sory la xbnyk photo la..
sbb i'm not a photo gedixs like my girl.. hahah...


Izyan Helmi said...

amboiii...buat luahan perasaan nampak. i appreciate k u buat braksfast tuk i..thank you sgt2. lain kali buat la lg. tp buat la nasik lemak ayam berempah ke... muahahaha :p

sh@r said...

wekkkk... yolah sngt.. nsib la hri tu xjd nk bt nsi lemak.. kalo x lg kecewa... lps nie bt sndri.. u pn da terer msk skang ni.. DIY laaaaaa... hahaha

Izyan Helmi said...

kalau u buat nasik lemak mn taw waktu tu licin habes ke...hehe

sh@r said...

hoh yela tu... org bt tu kra bersyukur drpd xbt lngsng.. dtg tgn kosong trus bru tau...huhu