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Saturday, April 30, 2011
~Under Construct!oN~
4:07 PM |
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sh@r |
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untuk pengetahuan all readers..
bajet mcm bnyk followers je kn..
xkisah la..haha
sebenarnya blog aku nie still under renovation..
hahah.. mcm renovate umah plak kn..
so sp2 yg tgk layout blog aku skang 2 just temporary je ok..
i'm still working on it...
so just wait till i finalize the new look..
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Flying to Kedah~~
8:54 AM |
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sh@r |
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Tadaaaaa!!! Confirm and Itinerary. Heheh
heheh... at last i bought flight tix back to my beloved hometown..
yeaa... going to meet mama, baba n my fam next week..
wait for me at Sultan Abdul Halim Airport ok..
semlm akhrnya dpt jugak bt keputusan utk bli tix..
wlpn awl2 tgh penin n krisis who gonna drive me to LCCT airport..
heheh.. smpi calling2 mama siap ckp psl prob nie..
so final decision aku drive sndri there afta bncng ngan my roomate...
bru tringat yg kat LCCT ada tmpt free parking or i can park my car at Tune Hotel..
hopefully everythng goes find...
prob t'cetus afta my flght coming back is arrives late at midnight...
so no train at that time and no friends gonna fetch me..
kesian btoi kan..
dgr mcm bnyk kawan tp sorg pn xbley nk tlg..
xpe2.. drive sndri from airport lg sng..
xyah nk kaco sp2...
2 la tujuan sbnr.. lg pn semua org keja the next day..
so mest la msg2 nk tdoq awai.. hahaha
hehe.. nie la e-ticket yg da b'jaya..
pembayaran dan menjadi makin mudah dgn AA sbb i can pay direct debit from my account...
tanx to CIMB Clicks too...
so who doesn't have credit card like me no worries ok..
other bank also can such as Maybank2u n others...
heheh.. for MAS payment only can be done using CC...
not friendly user yet.. hahaah..
i'm not condemning MAS ok but they should improve their service like what AA have done..
congratez.. heheh
next step adalah apply cuti for 2 days bcoz i'm going back from saturday - tuesday..
as u can see at my tix above.. hehe..
so monday and tuesday need to apply cuti..
semoga semua b'jln dgn lancar according to the plan.. hehe..
thats all..
Monday, April 25, 2011
Blog kesunyiann...
1:17 PM |
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sh@r |
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uuuu.. sja gedik2 nk update gak even i dont have anythng to story here..
dats why la entry pn title mcm 2.. hahaha
da lma aku rsa xmenulis dlm blog nie..
skang nie tetb ngantuk plak kat ofis n nothng to do..
so why not say sumthng in my blog nie kn..
tmpt yg plg sesuai nk biaq jari ni type pape pn yg dia suka...
nk luahkan prasaan??...
hmm.. prasaan apa yg ada skang.. kosong kot..
xdk prasaan ok.. hahah..
skang tgh pk nk blk kedah bla sbb mama da tnya bla mau blk kedah...
huahuahua... sabo la mama.. tiket flight mahal la plak..
dlm fikiran nk bilik dis week bcoz of labour day or May on Wesak day..
aiyok.. .ticket flight xcheck la plak..
aku kn mmg jns mls skit nk bt bnda2 mcm nie..
what a wonderful life if i have a PA..
+++ a pretty girl.. she will do all thingy for me..
wawaw... daydreaming in this freezing office..
nk balik sbb nk kena tempah baju melayu..
mama da slalu remind bla calling2..
"jgn lupa bju melayu xukur lg"
huahuahua.. baik mama.. ank mama akn blk ok.. huhuhu
nk kuaq merayau pn da xdk geng.. borriiinngggg!!!
semua yg tinggal kat office nie semua yg xmenceriakan..
yg laki of coz la yg boringg2 ja tinggal.. yg girl plak semua yg jns emo2.. hahaha
oppsss!!! t'lbey sudah.. hahahaa
sorry ya jgn marah... joking for a moment..
this office are not havoc like last time..
what just left is silent n sorrowness...
everyone already bored and nausea with all the drama happen lately...
enough with all this...
hopefully i will get a new job soon..
a job that can bring me to become a successful person...
a job that ensure my future...
a job that guaranteed and give me everything i have dream for..
a job that can bring my happiness and enjoyness
and most thing is..
a job that obtains Blessing from Allah..
aku tetap b'syukur dgn apa yg aku ada skang..
bkn aku xb'syukur..
dont misunderstood ok..
but i guaranteed that everyone dream of to have a wonderful life..
and a perfect life eventhough there is no such thing of PERFECT in our life..
mama slalu advice me always to thankful what we have now...
Alhamdullilah for everythng i got...
what i need is to increase my ability to strive till i get what i want...
till i success in my life and my family too...
don't even u dare to give up Suhail Hazmi...
alwayz pray for His Bless...
Insya' Allah..
hehe.. mama.. tanx sngt2 sbb alwayz give me semangat for me utk menjadi seorg yg b'jaya..
walaupun jauh...walaupun ank mama ni jarang call sbb bajet bz slalu..
hahahah.. pape pn u r alwayz the best...
baba too slalu bg advice yg terbaik dlm memilih hala tuju ank dia..
Insya' Allah...
anak bongsu mama n baba akn berjaya nnt..
berkat doa from both of u.. heheh..
perhhh.. bru prasan aku da bnyk membebel rpanya...
wakak.. da la skit2 kn..
nnt conteng lg..
ngantuk pn da ilang.. hehe..
Allah Bless Suhail Hazmi n Family..
Sunday, April 17, 2011
SunDaY oUt
7:00 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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huhu.. its has been long time i didn't update my blog..
pity...pity him..
so aku nk update jugak wlpn xdk cta yg best..
psl sunday out ngan kwn aku..
my exclassmate yg sngt rapat..
hehe.. i call him brader even though he younger than me..
bgn pg td pn da lewat around 1140 a.m..
not too late ok bcoz its still morning.. hehe
pas2 kawan aku call hafzan my housem8 ajak lepak2 kalo xdk plan lg..
both of us as usual la...
weeknd of coz mmg xkn ada plan pape kecuali kalo ada org ajk..
bru la ktorg akn kuaq..
location da ditetapkn.. so we met at mid valley..
and having our lunch at Chilli's around 330 p.m..
biasa la lunch lewat2 nie.. mmg rutin ktorg kalo weeknd..
hahaha... so aku order burger
hafzan order chicken grill with bacon..
n naqib order lamb..
sory la aku x take pic pn time ktorg lepak n mkn2..
rsa mcm time 2 xdk mood utk b'gambar pape.. hahaha
sambil tunggu mknn smpi ktorg main card dlu..
si naqib tetb bwk card porker plak kn..
hahah.. apa lg so ktorg main la "99"..
best ktorg main rsa mcm time student dlu2..
hehe.. main till our meals dtg n apa lg..
lahap la... msg2 tgh kelaparan.. hahah..
abes mkn smbng borak2 smbil main porker jugak..
aku tmbh air smpi 3x..
nsb la bottomless kn..
so xdk hal la nk tibai brapa kali pn..
biaq b'baloi skit bayaq mahai2.. heheh..
tgh syoq dok main dtg dia pnya workers tetb tegur ktorg..
my 1st perception ngat dia nk halau ktorg sbb dok lepak lm2 sngt..
lgpn time 2 rmi jugak org tgu turn table..
rpany2 dia xbg ktorg main card sbb mcm judi..
ktorg pn plik je apsal xbley plak kn..
hahah... so pasrah jela we have to stop playing card..
da xbley main card ktorg refill ja lg air..
smpi da prot kembung bru chiowzz..
so wlpn ktorg hang out kejap je tp still having fun together..
skang keja mmg ssh nk hang out slalu..
so skali skala mcm nie agk fun la dpt gelak ketawa mcm oldies..
waiting for next lepak2 plan.. hehe..
Friday, April 8, 2011
Result SPA iS OuT
2:43 PM |
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sh@r |
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huhu... td bru ja lepas check result interview SPA..
utk government pnya la kn..
tgh dok relax tetb kawan aku call..
kecoh ja call aku trus nk tau aku dpt ke x..
apa lg aku trus la bkn web spa utk check result kn..
time check 2 lmbt la plak internet kn..
sja je nk bt suspen..
tp aku xdk la suspen mna pn..
sbb xharap sngt bnda nie..
soooooo.. bla nk check..
letak no ic.. jeng3..
mcm biasa la cnfrm la xdpt..
hahahah... mmg xdpt pn SPA.. stylo la kn..
tgk detail mmg xbley blah la..
xptt bt org mcm 2..
dtg interview 950 org..
tmpt utk diisi hnya lah...
cuba korg teka brapa??
diorg just amek 14 org jer..
perhhh.. mmg torba la government nie..
hebat btoi.. hahaha.. mmg ssh nk dpt keja ngan diorg..
tp perlu la nk pgl rmi2 dtg interview.. rjn btoi..
pas2 da xdk keja aku kra la percent kebarangkalian akn dpt kn..
hnya 1.47% ja..
perhhh... xtau nk ckp apa da..
so redha jela n yg pntng xgive up..
Insya' Allah rezeki akn dtg nnt..
cuma lmbt n cpt je..
n yg penting of coz la kena usaha kn..
tp ustaz plak suh aku smbung master..
adoiii.. kalo mmg aku target master..
dri dlu lg afta abes blajaq aku trus smbng master..
xdk la aku nk t'hegeh2 keja mcm skang nie..
so xtau la..
tgk la mcm na dlu pasal master 2..
xt'gerak hti pn nk further study.. hehe
da result is i'm still dont have any permanent job yet..
keep trying apply keja tmpt lain la plak afta this..
sbb job2 yg sblm nie semua aku reject sbb SPA nie la..
tp nk kata aku kecewa or sdey ke x..
mcm xdk rsa pape pn.. xdk prasaan pape pn.. huahuahua
sbb aku tgh pk psl bnda lain.. wakakak..
lgpn aku mmg xaspect tinggi pn..
mcm kalo dpt trima.. kalo xdpt try tmpt lain plak..
so 2 jela yg aku nk luahkan..
tp nk kata aku kecewa or sdey ke x..
mcm xdk rsa pape pn.. xdk prasaan pape pn.. huahuahua
sbb aku tgh pk psl bnda lain.. wakakak..
lgpn aku mmg xaspect tinggi pn..
mcm kalo dpt trima.. kalo xdpt try tmpt lain plak..
so 2 jela yg aku nk luahkan..
Thursday, April 7, 2011
W3lCoMe bAcK mY Baby...
7:09 PM |
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sh@r |
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entry nie dibuat khas utk meraikan kepulangan 2nd baby aku..
hehe.. 1st baby lain ok..
setelah beberapa bulan jatuh sakit..
skang nie baru pulih seperti sedia kala.. hehe
so skang da kembali hepy blk sbb da ada peneman idup...
yeaaa.. syoq wlpn aku t'pksa abes kn saving aku utk operate baby aku nie..
huhu... so lps nie siap sedia la utk b'aksi seperti dulu kala..
we will having fun together like oldies.. hahah..
ni pic baby aku yg bru smpi.. hehe
bru kuaq dri kotak.. bajet mcm baru... haha
baby ku yg da sihattt. .welcome home
ni pic baby aku yg bru smpi.. hehe
bru kuaq dri kotak.. bajet mcm baru... haha
baby ku yg da sihattt. .welcome home
afta this da bley la aku start blk bt koleksi utk new games..
n next target aku utk membeli bnda alah kat bwh nie..
jom kt lihat apa yg aku nak..
Mag Gun for PS3...
hehe. bnda nie aku da target sblm nie..
so kalo da ada gun nie sng la aku nk main game shooting..
bestnyaaa... idaman umah aku nk bt 1 entertainment room..
so dlm room 2 akn ada complete set accessories for gaming.. hehe
aku mmg gila game ok.. gila melancong.. gila superbike.. n gila kat my 1st baby...
ok.. 2 jela yg aku mampu merepek dis time..
cau cin cauuu....
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Precious Present
8:41 PM |
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sh@r |
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hr nie dpt advance present from my mama n baba...
hehe..sbnrnya diorg nk bt surprise nk ckp thn nie bg present..
tp malangnya baba g pos kat add uniten..
so smpi kat Admin building la..
nasib la call mama nk bgtau kena g site..
tgh dok borak mama bkk psl bezday..
aku pn ckp ala da biasa la bezday xdk pape yg menarik pn..
hahah.. ayat mcm sdey je kn..
then mama trus ckp.. ait baba antaq brg xdpt lg ka??
aku pn mcm confius disitu..
tnya la mama blk brg apa??
she told me that baba already pos me a bezday present...
hahaha.. wahhh... t'kejut aku...
so aku tnya la send kat add mna??
mama ckp add uniten..
aku pn gelak jela ngan mama...
aku ckp la kat mama.. da send add uniten bajet ada org tlg delivery kat ofis ka..
hahaha.. mama trus gelak n ckp" owh yakaaa"...
nsb jam time 2 bru kol 4.15..
trus end our conversation sbb mama pn otw g jitra..
aku pn cpt2 la lari g hr..
hehe.. bkn lari sbnrnya.. tp drive la.. sbb da kesuntukan masa..
so da claim my parcel..
blk ofis dgn riang dpt present.. hahaha
nk tau ke present apa yg aku dpt...
mari kt tgk pic dibawah... hehe
bunkusan yg telah aku koyak rabakkan.. haha
A book as my present
Back cover
kata2 semangat dri mama & baba
From: mama & baba
haaaa... so da tau la kn hadian apa yg my prnts bg utk dis year...
hahaha.. mmg lain dri yg lain ok..
xpernah ku t'lintas diorg akn bgi aku sebuah buku ilmiah yg sngt b'nilai bg ku...
maybe diorg tau apa prasaan aku bt msa skang smpi diorg t'pksa give me this book..
aku pnh ja share ngan mama psl bla..bla..blaa...
n bnyk mengadu psl skang nie psl keja n so on...
dan aku plak skang nie mood mmg t'umbang ambing..
sooooo not stable n mcm2 prasaan aku rsa..
sng ckp hati aku sngt xtenteram this moment..
wlpn aku xckp kat mama psl semua nie..
but as a mother.. i know she has instinct on all her son..
so i think she know me what is my feeling n how i felt rite now..
smpi la diorg bg aku this book to tenangkan hti ku yg xtenteram nie..
hehe.. nie la adiah yg plg sngt b'nilai aku rsa..
adiah yg penuh dgn ilmu yg patut aku pelajari n explore more...
dan diaplikasikan dlm my true life..
tanx Mama n Baba..
I Love Both of You with full of my heart... :)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Superbike or Melancong??
6:50 PM |
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sh@r |
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heheh... tetb nk bt entry nie sbb mmg da bnyk kali t'bayang..
aku mmg seorg yg ska b'jln...
tp time ada bnyk duit la bru plan b'jln..
pas2 aku pn ada tringin nk bli superbik sngt2 ok..
impian 2 sejak aku sekolah menengah lg..
so skang aku mmg penin nk plh yg mna 1 dlu.. hahah
mama ckp suh target 1 ja dlu..
bru la sng nk kumpul duit n decide..
tp kann....
ssh kot nk decide mna 1 dlu..
superbike pn best...
melancong pn best...
ska nk b'jln2 n pusing2 tgk negara org..
sbb kalo ikutkn smpn duit..
mmg cnfrm its enough utk b'jln samada end of this year or next year...
tp kalo superbike kena tgu lg la smpi la dpt keja yg permanent..
so motif skang aku hnya kumpul duit sebnyk yg mungkin till end of this year..
pas2 bru nk decide apa yg ptt bt dgn duit 2..
sbb country yg aku plan nk melancong:-
1. New Zealand
2. Spain
3. Italy
4. France
5. Iceland (mcm best)
5. Iceland (mcm best)
so country nie yg aku rsa nk sngt nk p..
da 2x plan tp xsmpi2 jugak kat tmpt 2..
sampai kat tempat lain...
adoi la..
adoi la..
so skang aku start kumpul blk utk penuhi impian ku..
dgr cta kwn aku nk bt euro trip next year..
i'allah kalo dimurahkn rezeki aku thn nie dpt la join diorg..
pas2 psl superbike plak..
apa kes ek...
if i already spend all the money on the trip..
no more superbike till aku kumpul blk duit la jwbnya..
np la aku xjd ank org kaya..
ank millionare..
kn best..
harapan nk smbng blajaq kat Newcastle pn xkesampaian..
sdey ok... hukhuk...
bkn xdpt offer.. tp xcukup duit.. hehe
xpe2.. make sure semua 2 jd smngt utk aku kumpul duit utk msa hadapan..
chaiyok2.. jgn putus asa Suhail Hazmi..
aku msh muda so bnyk msa lg utk kumpul duit b'juta2.. hahahah
berangan nk kencang ja..
xpela.. still ada bnyk bulan lg utk aku pk kn psl nie..
yg pntng kumpul duit dan jgn boros ok..
guna duit sebaik yg mungkin..
yg penting kena ada Usaha, D'doa dan Tawakal..
percaya dengan ketentuan Illahi...
semua bnda yg b'laku mest ada hikmah..
so amek bnda 2 sbgi pedoman dan semangat..
bukan sbgi halangan ataupun bebanan..
heheh.. yoshhh!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
ViCtOriA StaTioN
12:57 AM |
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sh@r |
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hehe.. at last this month da dpt lg satu claim dinner...
so dinner mlm td dibelanja oleh Rota Aziz..
tanx my bestest.. hahah
so tempat yg ktorg pilih ada lah VS..
so ni la tempatnya.. Victoria Station kat area Damansara kot..
kat area2 situ jugak la..
so mcm biasa la ktorg akn order steak or whatever yg ktorg suka nk mkn..
tp td aku mls nk amek pic bnyk2..
so ada la 2 3 pic mknn yg ktorg mkn..
tgk jela pic kat bwh nie..
ok 2 la mknn2 yg ktorg oder for dinner..
tp spttnya total 4 dishes la sbb 4org yg mkn..
tp sbb da mls nk amek pic sngt..
main amek ala kadar ja..
smpi yg dessert pn aku xamek.. hahah
so makan jela smpi knyang..
da abes mkn kawan aku lg sorg dtg lepak jugak..
so dia dtg minum jela..
total yg dtg lepak td 5 org..
so we are really2 having fun..
da rsa mcm time student dlu..
da lma kot xlepak mcm 2 n borak2 gelak ketawa bt mcm kedai mamak..
sorry la k..
kalo geng ktorg Victoria Station ka apa ka tetap akn meja 2 la plg havoc n bising..
heheh.. so mmg fun la td..
bnyk topik yg ktorg bukak n jd buah bicara..
tp skang nie beza skit topik nya..
oleh kerana semua da b'kejaya..
bnyk smbng psl keja ja semua but ada jugak la psl bnda2 lain yg buat kn bnda 2 jd lawak..
tp mmg sngt best lepak..
mkn rsanya sejam ja..
pas2 lepak smpi 2 jam da bt mcm kedai mamak..
tp apa nk kisah ktorg bayaq kot so lantak la kn..
bkn sng ktorg nk dpt time mcm nie lepak hang out sma2..
semua da pkt bz ngan keja..
msg2 mcm da matured skit la..
bkn sbb apa sbb bnyk smbng psl keja xabes2..
pas2 cta pasal company nie.. company tu..
pas2 dok kutuk2 company la apa la..
hahaha.. mmg torba la..
layan kn jela..
cta psl boss la apa la..
wakakakak... mmg aku dpt rsakan meja ktorg la plg meriah skali..
dgn air sky juice da brapa kali tmbh pn aku xtau la..
total rokok 5 batang.. wakakaka
pas2 yg xbley blah da.. maybe sbb da nk tutup kot..
waiter 2 da bnyk kalo dok ulang alik lalu kat meja ktorg..
hahah.. pas2 senyum2 plak..
ktorg pn mcm da tau la dia bg hint kn..
so spttnya bnyk lg nk borak2..
mmg rsa mls nk blk lg sbb still awl n tomorrow is weeknd..
so apa slhnya lpk lma2 lg kn..
tp xbley jugak one of my frenz working on saturday..
really no life at all.. hahaha
then t'pksa la stop takat kol 12 n maybe akn ada lg perjumpaan afta this..
we are looking forward for Angus..
heheh.. the next place org akn blnja..
so it is next month.. tungguuuuuu!!!!!!!
ok la.. tu jela kot.. prot da knyng sngt da nie.
heheh... pape pn tonite is really fun...
syoqqqq... release tension semua.. blk umah kosong je minda..
heheh... the best weeknd nite.. tanx guyss..
Friday, April 1, 2011
1:02 AM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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hehe.. nie lagu tetb rsa mcm best plak dengar..
nie sbb cousin aku suh donlod..
so da tlg donlod aku dgr jela skali..
mmg pnh dgr n bru tau psl lgu nie.. hahah
kesian aku..
so layan jela..
tp bla dgr lagu ni tetb mcm sayu pn ada jugak..
hahah... sabo jela..
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