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Tilam BabyCot - Misi mencari tilam babycot untuk my smiling and adorable little man diteruskan pada weekend lepas. Bila dah nak dekat due ni rasa ehhh macam banyak pulak ta...9 years ago
- Dejavu dikinabalu - - Semalam bukak je laptop tetibe teringat nak bukak website AA. dah lama rsnye xbukak n xbelek2 search tiket murah. Ni die haaa Promo dalam kategori murah....11 years ago
-Sebab Bosan- - helllooooo... heheh.. da lma xmenjenguk Mr. Blog nie.. last update bla ntah.. so oleh kerana aku tgh bosan skang nie sbb xkeja hr nie.. bley la menconteng...12 years ago
Figaro :3 - ''You can't own a cat. The best you can do is be partners.'' - Sir Harry Swanson "When you are looking, a cat acts like a princess, but the minute they th...13 years ago
04-04-2011 (MY Happy Birthday) - ELOO korg semua, hari yg bermakna bagi ku 04042011 adalah birthday ku, aku dah TUa lah 22 tu. Aku nk ucap kan terima kasih kepada kwn2 aku yg ucap happy Bir...13 years ago
Roadtrip - *18th June 2010.* *Roadtrip to Giant's Causeway*, Belfast (Northern Ireland) with rakan-rakan. We were lucky that the weather was on our side. Very sunny an...14 years ago
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
-Sebab Bosan-
3:51 PM |
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sh@r |
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helllooooo... heheh..
da lma xmenjenguk Mr. Blog nie..
last update bla ntah..
so oleh kerana aku tgh bosan skang nie sbb xkeja hr nie..
bley la menconteng arang di blog nie..
arang la sngt kn.. heheh
hr nie da smngt nk p keja..
smpi da pn kat site tp keja t'pksa cancel sbb barang xdk...
adoii penat ja drive jauh2...
hahah.. padahal xjauh pn..
lg 1 sbb bt aku nk update blog sbb one of my frenz bising2 apsal da lma xupdate..
hehehe.. sorry la skang bz r n xdk mood utk b'cerita..
bnyk ja new story psl kehidupan bru aku nie..
tp sbb malas pnya psl xdpt nk tolong..
aku ada jugak tnya nk update bnda apa??
tp xnk bg idea plak kn.. hehe
psl krisis bnyk la.. muhahaahha... *just kidding*
sbnrnya mls nk story lbey2 psl pape la..
tkt nnt jd xbest plak...
kdg2 xperlu pn share kat org rmi psl dri kt or org lain kn..
kdg2 kena jd secretive skit.. tkt nnt dok heboh2 org lain naik meluat plak..
hahaha... mcm2 org kat dunia nie..
kalo dpt yg ska xpa gak... kalo dpt yg xska ssh jugak kn..
so biaq la b'diam dri bt sementara waktu smpi la keadaan tenang kembali..
huhuhu... eh apa yg aku merepek nie...
da xdk idea r nie dok merapu sorg2... ishk3..
pda msa yg sma aku tgh kebosanan...
perlukan seseorg utk isi kekosongan nie.. hahahaha..
poyo xabes2..
da r mls aku nk merapu.. bla bca blk mcm menyampah pn ada..
cnfrm kalo ada org lain bca pn menyampah jugak.. hahahaha
yg pastinya aku rndu zaman student..
sngt fun n bley g jln2 n travel ngan kwn2...
syoq sngt2... bnyk ketawa time student..
skang nie da kurang ketawa2 sbb semua kwn2 da bz uruskan hal msg2..
ngan keja lg kn, so normal la...
ptt la org ckp time student njoy puas2..
u r not getting the same opportunity when u r start working...
sooooo damn truueeeeee!!!
ok la.. chow dlu.. lps nie aku update la lg kalo rjn n ada idea..
sp2 yg ada idea 2 kongsi la skali.. dpt la update slalu nnt.. hehehe
Have A Nice Day n Smile :)
Friday, February 10, 2012
Past & Present
12:10 AM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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everything has changed...
its totally different from before..
why?? i dunno why..
its time to move on and fine a better place to be alone..
and not thinking anything..
just let the time change evrythng and learn from the past..
owh why... come on... i need my soul back...
what happen to me, me myself dunno whats wrong..
maybe it is a test from ALLAH..
just B'Sabar n hadapi dengan penuh keredhaan..
this is the time i need my family...
they are everythng for me..
they are the medicine that can cure everythng..
they make my life colourful every day, every hour, every minutes & seconds
and not a single seconds i feel bored spend time with them...
but rite now the only thing i can do is just calling..
i hope i can go through all these..
mama, baba, amie, ayie, kak nadia, kak dibah, marissa, a'ish & zarra..
missing all of u very much...
wish u all r with me rite now comfort me...
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
KHU Hall
9:15 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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ok.. KHU stand for Kolej Heights Utara, Sports Living Club, Jitra
last week went to this hall with mama, bro n sis to survey 4 my wedding..
hehe.. just survey n check the rental rate but not booking yet
dunno how to comment on the rate, for me its quite expensive.. :(
but i admire with the pool side.. seriously sngt cantik if bt kat ctu..
especially when its nite.. cantik n peacefull..
check this out!!
main building
main entrance
indoor hall
pool side..
actually i should snap more pics bcoz there are more view yg menarik..
sorry all pics not so good, bcoz im not a pro photographer.. ehehe
lets take a look at the rate
The Rate
Additional Info:
1. Publish Rate :- its for school holiday or public holiday
Promotion Rate:- Normal week or weekend (w/o any holidays)
2. Catering : Internal or External. U can decide ur own
3. Deposit: 50%
4. Changing Room: Not Sure but looks like not Available
5. Capacity: Indoor (200 - 250 pax or 20 - 25 Tables only)
Outdoor: Not Sure ( maybe 10 - 12 Tables estimation)
6. Indoor: Air-Condition
I thinks dats all i can share..
next target is Al - Farabi Hall.. still waiting the result..
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Lord of The Rings
3:07 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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heheh.. tajuk mcm cta movie kn..
but i'm not going to story about that movies which also my fav movies..
in this entry nk story about A Ring.. Special Ring for that girl..
actually da seminggu bought the ring tp skang bru nk update
this is the ring.. hahahahha..
just kidding la..
date i bought her ring on 24/12/2011 (Saturday)
niat just nk survey2 with mama but mama suh bli trus..
even i dunno her actual ring size...
so hentam jela using my own finger size.. hahah
nnt kalo bley alter kt alter..
if cant just let it be like dat..
ssh kalo da jauh2 sngt jd mcm ni la nk bli pape pn ssh..
at least da settle 1 thing..
da xyah nk pk bab nie da
heheh. tunjuk kotak jela dlu k..
what is inside is secret..
just wait till the time comes.
dunno yet when the ring can be given to tuan empunya badan..
da bnyk kali usya this ring..
kdg2 tgk mcm besaq pn ada..
xtau la dpt pki ke x nnt.. hahahahaha..
sabo jela.
just wait n c.. :)
hopefully semua b'jalan dgn lancar..
May Allah Bless Our Relationship and Family
Saturday, December 31, 2011
A Day Trip
10:55 PM |
Posted by
sh@r |
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ok.. tgh bosan2 ni xtau pape..
tmbh plak mcm xbest 2011 tinggal brapa jam lg..
b4 it will gone forever..
seriously xexcited lngsng..
so mls nk pk psl 2012 thingy mingy nie baik story about my trip..
after back from Cameron on Thursday,
Friday g overc plak.. hahah
overc la sngt kan.. Thailand je pn..
g jln2 kat Hatyai..
hmmm.. nk kata best biasa jela sbb balik hri kn..
so sja nk abes kn msa holiday so jln2 jela kat mna bley.
1st location we visit tmpt shopping..
lpa la plak nma tmpt tu.. tp i'm not buying anythng..
just teman mama shopping je..
sbb brg pompuan bnyk r...
laki xsngt or xb'kenan dimata ku.. hahha
pastu g makan kat Sami Kitchen..
perhh sngt sdp mknn kat c2..
selesa n mmg terbaik la.. xtau nk ckp apa..
njoy da food very much..
dpt rsa purely Thailand made.. heheh
sorry la yer xdk pic sbb xdk camera..
org miskin kata kan.. xmmpu nk bli camera mcm blogger lain..
lps tu g Ice Dome... tmpt ukiran ice..
serius sejuk nk mmps.. of coz la sejuk kn..
da nma pn tmpt ukiran ice...
da la pki sandle ja.. kaki sakit kot..beku..
hahaha.. bijak btoi.. kasut semua tinggal kat kl..
dlm keta kasut futsal n jogging ada la.. hehe
Ice Dome, Hatyai
ok da smpi cni..
Price: Adult - RM30
Kids- RM 15
heheh... xtau la mhl ke x tp yg bestnya nk msk cni bley bwk camera sndri..
so bley la amek pic sebnyk yg bley..
xmcm msk snow world Genting.. mmg xbley bwk camera sndri..
nk amek pic kena suh org ctu amek pastu kena bayaq..
truk gak kn keja nk paw duit org..
da la masuk mahal.. so Ice Dome nie lbey berbaloi kot..
cop ur hand 1st b4 enter... hehe
da mcm penguin kot pki mcm bju eskimo.. hahah
ni jela pic yg ada tu pn cilok pic cousin upload kat fb.. hahah
truk btoi kn.. nk blog tp pic mls nk amek..
haih sabo jela.. xpela.. skali skala dpt ehsan org lain..
dpt gak pahala diorg bantu aku.. hahaha
next destination Big C..
ala aku pn xtau apsal diorg nk sngt p tmpt ni..
padahal for me its like Tesco, Carrefour, Giant or sumthng similar..
bley plak diorg shopping kat dlm tu..
tp kalo kat Tesco ke apa cnfrm xnk shopping brand yg dlm tu kn.. hahah
seriously its weird.. tp apa kan daya.. follow jela rombongan nie..
smpi mlm kat cni..
utk dinner ktorg g kat Floating Market..
lg skali xdk pic r.. tgh tunggu ehsan cousin jugak upload kat FB..
tp xupload2 lg.. so xdpt la nk tnjuk or gambarkan mcm na market nie..
tp nsb ada sngt membantu..
hahaha.. mcm nie la keadaan tmpt tu..
kat cni peniaga akan menjual makanan kat dlm boat..
that means diorg jual smbl dok ats boat..
so kt just tunjuk je nk mkn apa..
dont worry its HALAL
kena pandai pilih la.. ada yg sedap n ada yg so so je... but its cheap..
so not bad la.. heheh..
we all tgh menyerang tepi sungai... hahaha
membeli time but be carefully ada jugak noodle with pork..
so check for "Halal" sign
* all pics ehsan from my cousie... hehe*
cilok kat FB.. wkakakak
ok cukup la pic skit.. sbb xde mood jugak nie..
mood xnk tahun 2012 muncul.. hahah
malasnya 2012 nie.. rsa mcm xbest pn ada jugak..
mmg mls nk pk tahun 2012... serabutttt!!!!
hahahah... xtau la np tetb weng time2 last day 2011
ok... b'akhrlah trip g Hatyai pada hri Jumaat lepas..
lps p market tu trus la balik ke Malaysia..
smpi umah dlm kol 1.00 am
best jugak la trip tu..
mcm trip main2 nk abes kn msa n abes kan duit..
so semoga dpt g trip2 yg lg menarik nnt.. InsyaAllah..
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